From our Youth Artists…

My purpose is to be me. My life has reasoning, and I’m willing to use it. It’s my job to return the light to the city. Everyone has a little light in them. That light is so precious. That light is irreplaceable. With that light, comes a person, and with such a person comes a light. But if you always pretend to be someone you’re not, then the world will never benefit from your gifts or talents. You should be yourself and it doesn’t matter if you are crazy, shy, or strange. Those are the things that make you, you.

I come from a family of dreamers and hard workers. I come from the hands of my mother, from storytellers and merrymakers. From nights around the dinner table, laughing and recalling our pasts. I come from cigarette smoke in my Uncle’s clothes when they hug me at family reunions. From drive in burger joints and butter on French fries. I come from love and laughter that’s always in the same place, it is never fleeting.

The world isn’t complete if we do not contribute our own unique voice. So why not let it be heard?

No matter the skin color, face, ethnicity or look, the only differences between us all are the choice we make and the paths we take.